Refund Policy

We ensure that our users have a rewarding experience while they discover, assess, and purchase our courses, whether it is an instructor-led or self-paced training.

In the event, if you are displeased with the services provided, we will refund back the money (after deduction of applicable processing fee, resource utilization and taxes), provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. 

Our refund policy is as follows:

For Self Placed Learning:
Raise refund request within 3 days of purchase of course. Money back guarantee is void if the participant has accessed more than 25% content or downloaded the E-Book. Any refund request beyond 3 days of purchasing the course will not be accepted and no refund will be provided.

For Instructor Led Training:
Raise refund request within 3 days of purchase of course. Money back guarantee is void if the participant has accessed more than 25% content of any e-learning course or has attended Online Classrooms/received recordings for more than 1 day.

Also, In case a user downloads the E-Book for the course the money back guarantee will be void. Any refund request beyond 3 days of purchasing the course will not be accepted and no refund will be provided.